Thursday, April 21, 2011

One, Two, Three strikes you're out...again!

(little league that is)

Similar to how the Canucks played game 4 of the Stanley Cup Playoffs 2011 against the Chicago Blackhawks, this is how the Bounty Bunters played a game against the Red Sox.

And therein lies the first problem. The opposing team had displayed proudly across the chests of their jerseys RED SOX. I'm not a huge baseball fan exactly. I love watching my boys play in their little league - it's very exciting - but I'm pretty sure that the Red Sox are a good team in the big leagues. As this was an inter-league game we have different uniforms. Our parents were glad that our team didn't have Bounty Bunters displayed across their chests - like really. (Our team's name was made up by the kids themselves...and they voted on it...and this is what they chose?! I can't help thinking of Bountiful when I hear the team name and all us moms are sister wives.)

And the coaches kept yelling out "c'mon Double Bs...", "we can do this Double Bs..." and of course it sounds like they're making some sort of boob reference. I decided to Google the words Bounty Bunter as an image and this is what I got:

Go figure??

To top it off, the other team had laid out on a fold up picnic table a feast - hot dogs, chips, pop (soda for you American folks). Now in Double A the "after game treats" end, I mean they are older now and this isn't T-Ball anymore. So the situation in my mind was kind of like this:

We're playing Survivor and this is one of those food challenges, the Red Sox are feasting on their grub and winning this game, while the Bounty Bunters are losing this game and as a result, starving and watching everyone else stuff their faces.

End score was 10 to 5 for the Red Sox obv. All kidding aside (AND I AM KIDDING, I'M NOT A POOR SPORT MOM), the boys played very well, they had a great time and I'm excited to watch another season of grade 5 and 6 boys baseball. It totally rocks.

Go Bounty Bunters, get your bat on!

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