Monday, April 18, 2011


Project: Blown Egg Collage

It's back. Every year the school has their ever popular "egg"stravaganza to celebrate Easter. Any kid wanting to participate needs to get their creation on and put together some sort of  scene of blown eggs to be showcased in the hallway of the school. First prize: a load of Easter chocolates.

So we got our creation on...and as much as I wanted to take this project over and create something totes wick'id, I had to reign in my desire to create an obvious parent-put-together masterpiece and let my boys do the work. But I was able to have a little say in what the scene might entail and we settled on....drum roll....

The B'egg'les

Yep and here they are:

Ringo looks pretty sexy behind the drum.

Simple, yet cute I think and certainly not something that required my endless (and take away from my weekend fun activities gawd forbid) help.

So there you have it, an idea if looking for one and very easy to do. The only hard part of this project was blowing (a'hem hehe) the eggs without popping an eyeball out.

Here's hoping for a prize of some sort. Hoppy Easter!

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